Dear billiard fans and media representatives.
Welcome to the media page of the 2017 European Carom Billiards Championships, which were held from 28 April to 7 May at the Stahlpalast in Brandenburg an der Havel. On this page you will find a lot of information, photos and reports of the ten-day billiards event of the Confédération Européenne de Billard (CEB).
Media information
All text and photo contributions were produced by the PR agency of the billiard magazine Touch on behalf of the Confédération Européenne de Billard (CEB).
The material may be used free of charge for re-publication under the name of the source TOUCH
If high-resolution photos are required for press media, we will be happy to send them on request.
Results and tables of the European Carom Championships are on the CEB website

Once again a great challenge!
For the first time this year‘s European Championships are taking place without their initiator, Wolfgang Rittmann, who died much too early. The entire board of CEB sees it as its obligation to realize his basic idea again, which was already successfully implemented in 2013 and 2015.
Without the support of the city of Brandenburg on the Havel, the Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse, the state of Brandenburg and other sponsors it would not have been possible to carry out this event. Therefore I would like to thank them most sincerely.
With the Stahlpalast, the AXXON Hotel will once again present a tournament venue which offers an ideal environment for the competitions of more than 500 registered athletes on large and small billiard tables over the next 10 days.
Our partner KOZOOM broadcasts live pictures all over the world and the team of the TOUCH billiard magazine provides the press with pictures and multilingual information on a daily basis.
Athletes play against each other in nearly 800 games whose fair and equitable course 58 referees have to ensure.
With the untiring support of Helga Blawid and her team of local helpers, everything will be done to provide athletes and visitors with a fantastic sporting event.
I warmly welcome all of you to the European Championships in 2017 in Brandenburg on the Havel.
Bennie Deegens
President Confédération Européenne de Billard
Dear athletes,
Dear guests,
After 2013 and 2015, the European Billiards Championships are held for the third time in Brandenburg an der Havel – making it nearly a tradition. Of course Europe’s most outstanding Billiards athletes want to compete in this event. Over 400 of them will be playing Billiards on its highest level on 20 tables in five categories.
Highly tactical and technical skills are required to be successful in this game. We are looking forward to witness finest cue-action.
I would like to thank all members of SG Stahl Brandenburg e.V. for preparing and organising this international event with highest personal efforts – above all, EC major organizer Helga Blawid, known far beyond the City borders. Also a great thank you goes out to all patrons and sponsors of this event. Without them the total budget and the execution of this event would not be possible.
I wish all athletes all the best for the upcoming tournament, and thrilling matches and great entertainment to the Fans.
Günter Baaske
Minister for Education, Youth and Sports
of the state of Brandenburg
Dear organizers of the European Billiards Championships 2017, dear EC-participants, dear friends and supporters of billiard sports,
We, the citizens of Brandenburg, are very happy to once again welcome Europe’s billiard elite in our keen on sports city this year. For the third time already, the Confédération Européenne de Billard (CEB) invited the top players from its member states to a united European Championships for all carom disciplines and age classes to Brandenburg an der Havel.
The big successes of the title bouts from previous years not only proved the accuracy of the pioneering and sustainable concept of this big international billiards event. Furthermore the voluntary organizers and helpers with their gained experience from previous years will do anything to turn this year’s Championhip into another success for athletes and spectators alike.
I am well aware of the fact, that there’s not only a large number of active billiards players in our city and the surrounding area, but also a vast amount of people passively following this thrilling sports through the media with great interest.
They all are invited to visit Brandenburg an der Havel to follow the decisions of this year’s European Championships live up close. Enjoy the great atmosphere at the “Stahlpalast”, which will be redesigned again with great effort into a competition arena of the highest technical standards. Let yourself be entertained by fantastic performances of Europe’s billiard stars and help to ensure that the athletes can look forward to full spectator ranks. Let your visit help making Brandenburg meet its reputation as cosmopolitan and sports enthusiastic city.
My great appreciation goes to all those who have committed themselves to the preparation of the European title bouts in the last months and who work all day during the EC-days to ensure that the competitions run smoothly, that the athletes, coaches and referees are well accommodated and catered, and that the spectators can follow thrilling decisions. I want to thank the companies and institutions who contribute to mastering the enormous personal and material efforts as well as financial expenses, which these days are part of a sports event of this magnitude.
I wish all the best to all participants, great success to the organizers and a pleasant stay to all our guest from near and far in Brandenburg an der Havel.
Dr. Dietlind Tiemann
Mayor and patron
27.03.17 | Press conference
24.04.17 | Structur
27.04.17 | Arrival day
28.04.17 | Day gallery
29.04.17 | Day gallery
29.04.17 | Opening
30.04.17 | Day gallery
30.04.17 | Medalist
01.05.17 | Day Gallery
02.05.17 | Day gallery
03.05.17 | Day gallery
04.05.17 | Day gallery
05.05.17 | Day gallery
06.05.17 | Day gallery
07.05.17 | Day gallery
07.05.17 | Closing ceremony
28.03.17 | EC preparations in full swing
23.04.17 | European Billiards Championships starts in a few days
28.04.17 | European Billiards Championships underway
29.04.17 | Top 4 determined in 3-Cushions
30.04.17 | Marco Zanetti new 3-Cushion-Champion
01.05.17 | Caudron not concerned after yesterday’s defeat
02.05.17 | Four new European Champions in Brandenburg
03.05.17 | Leppens wins thriller versus Swertz
04.05.17 | Italian 5-pins squad is still unbeatable
05.05.17 | Turkey are the Team-Champions
06.05.17 | Cuenca overruns Christiani in a world class final
07.05.17 | Serdar Gümüs defends his title on final day
Organization and management: Achim Gharbi
Photos: Helga und Siegmar Ackermann
Editorial: Jochen Maurer